
Antagonistic activity of bifidumbericism prevents the spread of various pathogenic and conditional pathogenic microbes in the body, cleanses the body, regulates nonspecific resistance of the body by exposure to inflammation of the intestinal microflora. It also improves the processes of metabolism and participates in the synthesis of B vitamins.
Bifidumbactin is used for treatment and prophylaxis.

Indications:A biological drug without contraindication
The drug is used to:

  • For the treatment of disbacteriosis, which develops in the body due to microflora deficiency, hormonal, chemical, radiation and other therapeutic treatments.
  • In colitis and enterocolitis.
  • In the intestinal dysfunction of unknown etiology in children, adults and pregnant women.
  • In the complex treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the newborn, complex treatment of sepsis.
  • During the period of artificial feeding.
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